An unusual migration of ducks in Ontario, Fleming, J. H., 1905, Auk 22:206-207..

Body mass and carcass composition of fall migrant oldsquaws,

Leafloor, J. O., Thompson, J. E., and Ankney, C. D., 1996, Wilson Bull. 108:567-572..

Eclipse plumage and nuptial plumage in the oldsquaw or long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis), Stresemann, V., 1948, Avic. Mag. 54:188-194..

Movements of marked sea and diving ducks in Europe, Boyd, H., 1959, Wildfowl 10:59-70..

Neoplasms identified in free-flying birds, Siegfried, L. M., 1983, Avian Dis. 27:86-99..

Some unusual winter visitors or late migrants to the Bear River Marshes, Utah,

Cottam, C., Williams, C. S., and Sooter, C. A., 1942, Great Basin Nat. 3:51-53..

Spring migration of eiders and other waterbirds at Point Barrow, Alaska

Woodby, D. A. and Divoky, G. J., 1982, , Arctic 35:403-410..

The spring migration of the long-tailed duck and the common scoter in western Finland,

Bergman, G., 1974, Ornis Fenn. 51:129-145..

A study of the distribution of some members of the Nyrocinae wintering on the coastal waters

of southern British Columbia Schorger, A. W., 1951, xWilson Bull. 63:112..

Waterbird migration near the Yukon and Alaskan coast of the Beaufort Sea: II Moult migration of seaducks in summer, Johnson, S. R. and Richardson, W. J., 1982, Arctic 35:291-301..

Alaska Wild Animal Recovery Effort
Box 170, Homer, AK 99603
907-235-3877 (FAX) 907-235-5330
E-mail: bear@alaska.net